A Rare Case of Herniation of Gravid Uterus

  • Aradhya Achuri
  • Vivekananda Achanta
  • Sarojini Arikarevula
Keywords: Herniated Gravid Uterus, Incisional Hernia, Hernia Repair, Caesarean Section,


Incisional hernia is a frequent complication of abdominal wall closure and the management of pregnancy with a large incisional hernia with gravid uterus in its sac is challenging and requires a multidisciplinary approach. We report a case of 25yr old manual laborer, gravida 3 Para 1 live 1 abortion 1 who presented with an over distended abdomen and pendulous belly at 38 weeks of gestation. Examination revealed gravid uterus that herniated through the incisional hernia. Multiple erosions with crusting were seen over the abdomen. She subsequently had elective lower segment caesarean section and bilateral tubal ligation with repair of the hernia. She had uneventful post-operative recovery.


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Case Reports