Seroprevalence and Trends in Transfusion Transmitted Infections Among Blood Donors

  • Rupal Shah
  • Aditi Dholakia
Keywords: Sero-prevalence, Voluntary donors, Replacement donors, Blood Bank, TTI


Introduction: Timely transfusion of blood saves millions of lives, but unsafe transfusion practices put millions of people at risk of transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs).There are several infectious as well as non-infectious risks associated with transfusion of blood. With every unit of blood transfused, there is 1%chance of transfusion associated problems including transfusion transmitted infections. In India blood is screened for five diseases which could be transmitted through blood and produce serious illness- HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria.Aims and objectives :(1) To assess the trend of transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs)among blood donors from the records (2011-2013) at blood bank, GCSMCH, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. (2) To study the sero-prevalence of TTIs among blood donors from the records.Methods: A record based study was conducted from June 2011- December 2013. Data were collected from the records of blood bank. Data regarding sex, screening test results and type of donors were collected from the records.Results: Out of 2178 donors, voluntary donors were (4.17%) in comparison to replacement donors (95.83%).  Amongst blood donors, prevalence of HBV (0.73%), HCV (0.09%), HIV (0.09%) and Syphilis (1.65%) were noted.Conclusion: TTIs were more prevalent in replacement donors than voluntary donors. The number of voluntary donors has risen from 2011 -2013, but there is male preponderance in both voluntary and replacement donors than females.


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