Confronting the unexpected: saddle defect during septal surgery

  • Manish Munjal Deptt of ENTHNS, Dayanand Medical college and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Japneet Kaur Department of ENT, DMCH, Ludhiana, India
  • Amanjot Kaur
  • Amanjeet Singh
  • Nidhi Mathur
  • Shubham Munjal
Keywords: Saddle nose, Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty


Septal surgery is aptly captioned the " bread and butter surgery " , of the ent surgeon .Sometimes in this basic surgery the unexpected  happens . A septal perforation or a  saddle of the cartilaginous dorsum . The former lies hidden deep inside while the latter effects the facial profile and  one becomes an object of ridicule.  Utilising the resected tissue or tissues from nasal vicinity one can augment the depression .   Introduction . In certain septal deformities ,the inferior border of the quadrangular cartilage overrides the premaxillary and the maxillary crest ,thereby producing a sharp or a blunt spur. Resection of the same with a " antero -posterior  chondrotomy" attains a good nasal patency . A jutting premaxillary or maxillary crest is amenable to a similarly oriented " osteotomy " .  DOI: 10.21276/AABS.1676

Author Biography

Manish Munjal, Deptt of ENTHNS, Dayanand Medical college and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Professor and Head


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Case Reports