Effect of Tetracycline therapy on Microfilaraemia and Antigenemia in Raipur city, Chhattisgarh state, India

  • Santosh Kumar Agrawal Dept. of Zoology, Vivekanand Govt. P.G. College, Manendragarh, Korea, (C.G.) 497442
Keywords: Lymphatic filariasis, Wuchereria bancrofti, Microfilaraemia, Antigenemia


Background: Lymphatic filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti is one of the major health problems and is transmitted in India by Cx. quinquefasciatus. Diethylcarbamazine remains the drug of choice in selective as well as mass chemotherapeutic programs against lymphatic filariasis. Treatment of filarae infected animals with tetracycline resulted in the elimination of Wolbachia endosymbiont from the filarial tissues, prevented parasite establishment, filarial growth and rendered adult worm sterile.Method: Tetracycline capsules (200 mg/day) were given to microfilaraemic patients for 30 days and mf count and antigen level in their blood and infection & infectivity rates in their house hold Culex mosquitoes were assessed post tetracycline therapy.Results: It was found that mf counts and antigenemia in the blood & infection & infectivity rates in the mosquitoes were reduced gradually up to 24th months post tetracycline therapy.Conclusion: Targetting endosymbiont Wolbachia using antibiotics might be effective controlling measure in lymphatic filariasis.

Author Biography

Santosh Kumar Agrawal, Dept. of Zoology, Vivekanand Govt. P.G. College, Manendragarh, Korea, (C.G.) 497442


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