Do You Have Guts to Have Food

  • Mona Rahul Kejariwal UOM
Keywords: Gut Microbes, Nutraceuticals, Phytochemicals


Developing countries face problems such as aging populations, inadequate food supply, and unbalanced diets. Different factors lead to a clinical pattern of diseases in various part of the world like racial and hereditary, climate, socio-financial condition, dietary habits and mode of living. The outline of gastrointestinal diseases in India differs remarkably from the western parts of the world because of dietary habits of Indian people. On one hand, the developed countries are fighting with diseases such as obesity, osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, allergies and dental problems. The Asian countries population are hitching with issues such as intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, vector infections and much more. This varies from region to region also. Some of the diseases which are common in India are rarely seen in western countries and vice-versa. As a result, there is a market for new therapeutic medicine, nutrients production and consumption of these products. The role of these supplements in the daily diet is essential or decisive is still not known clearly due to the implausible literature and current approaches in research fields. The present review focuses on role of neutraceuticles on gut health.


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