Shortcomings of the Multiple Tube Test for Bacteria in Drinking Water

  • Sayan Bhattacharyya All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata, India
Keywords: MTT, Eijkman test, drinking water, coliforms, Multiple tube test


Background: The multiple tube test is used to Assess total and faecal coliforms in drinking water. It depends on colour change and gas formation but often identifies the bacteria wrongly. Many a times bacteria are missed or important bacteria are not identified by this test. Methods: Here we propose another new method combining subculture and biochemical tests to complement this test so that identification is better. Result: The new method was found to be very good and can supplement Eijkman test and Multiple tube test for better identification of coliforms and other bacteria from drinking water. Conclusion: The new tests are simple and can be safely used in place of cumbersome conventional tests and other molecular tests for identification of bacteria in water.

Author Biography

Sayan Bhattacharyya, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata, India
Department of Microbiology


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