Evaluation of sympathetic reactivity by Hand Grip Exercise test in children of hypertensive parents.

  • Ajay Kumar Saluja NSCB Medical College Jabalpur M.P
  • Sonu Ajmani NSCB Medical College Jabalpur M.P
Keywords: Isometric hand grip, blood pressure, normotensive offspring


Background- Genetic factors likely play some role in causing a high blood pressure. About 40% of patients with primary hypertension have genetic predisposition. It is a well documented fact that sympathetic dominance increases heart rate and blood pressure and the same has been observed in young normotensive off springs of hypertensive parents.Aim- Our present study was focused to evaluate blood pressure responses to isometric hand grip exercise test in children of hypertensive and non- hypertensive parents.Methods- The present study was conducted in 50 healthy subjects doing MBBS, 25 of whom had a positive family history and 25 had no family history of hypertension. Isometric hand grip test for sympathetic evaluation was carried out in both the groups following measurement of resting blood pressure. Rise in diastolic blood pressure measured during isometric hand grip taken as a test response.Results- Results were tabulated and analysed using paired t test, p value <0.001 was considered as significant. Higher values were obtained in diastolic and systolic blood pressure in children of hypertensive parents at rest when compared to age matched controls while during isometric hand grip increase in diastolic blood pressure in offspring of hypertensives was statistically significant. Findings are suggestive of an increased sympathetic dominance in children of hypertensive.Conclusion- The present study suggests that healthy children of hypertensive parents have a higher sympathetic dominance when compared to healthy children of non hypertensive parents. DOI: 10.21276/AABS.2017.1351

Author Biographies

Ajay Kumar Saluja, NSCB Medical College Jabalpur M.P
Assistant Professor Department of Physiology
Sonu Ajmani, NSCB Medical College Jabalpur M.P
Assistant Professor Department of Physiology


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