Non-aspiration cytology of breast lumps: a comparative study

  • Smita Shripad Pathak MIMER Medical College Talegaon Dabhade,Pune
Keywords: Breast lump, Non aspiration cytology, safety


Background: A lump in breast whether benign or malignant results in anxiety for the patient and her family. Prognosis is still thought to be improved by early diagnosis. A rapid, simple & reliable method for diagnosis is that of needle aspiration.A new technique, Fine Needle Capillary Biopsy also known as Fine Needle sampling without aspiration, non aspiration fine needle cytology or cytopuncture has been used successfully in lesions of breast, thyroid & other superficial organs. Non aspiration cytology has gained  popularlity  because of it’s ease of use, ease of interpretation of results (less blood),it’s safety & claim that it yields specimens of superior diagnostic accuracy.Methods: Material for the study comprised of 100 patients presenting with breast lump either    attending OPD or admitted in surgical wards, irrespective of age and sex. Non aspiration   cytology of breast lump was carried out and Cytological diagnosis was correlated with histological diagnosis to know the accuracy of Non aspiration cytology. Results: Present study comprised of 100 cases of breast lesions attending the OPD of a Medical College Hospital situated in rural area for a period of 2 years. Non aspiration cytology was carried out in all 100 patients out of which 77 % were diagnosed as negative for malignant cells which included benign and inflammatory conditions.18 % were diagnosed as positive for malignant cells and 3% of smears were inadequate for opinion.Histopathology was available in 80 cases out of which 75.5% were benign & 26.25% were malignant. Diagnostic accuracy of Non aspiration cytology was found to be 97.5%, sensitivity was 95.45 % and specificity 100%. False negative rate was 1.2 % and there were no false positives.Conclusion: There is no statistical difference between Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) & Non aspiration cytology. Instead Non aspiration cytology has added advantage over classical FNAC such as trauma to the tissues is reduced,extensive admixture with blood is less common.

Author Biography

Smita Shripad Pathak, MIMER Medical College Talegaon Dabhade,Pune
ProfessorDepartment of PathologyMIMER Medical College Tlegaon Dabhade


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