Evaluation of various discrimination indices in differentiating Iron deficiency anemia and Beta Thalassemia trait: A practical low cost solution.

  • Sanjay Piplani Associate Professor Department of Pathology Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar, Punjab
  • Manas Madaan
  • Rahul Mannan
  • Mridu Manjari
  • Taranveer Singh
  • Monika Lalit
Keywords: Iron deficiency anemia, Beta Thalassemia trait, Microcytosis, Discrimination Indices


Background: Mild microcytic hypochromic anemias due to Iron deficiency (IDA) and beta thalassemia trait(𝛽-TT) continue to be a cause of significant burden to the society, particularly in the poorer developing countries.  The objective of the present study was to evaluate the validity of 12 different discrimination indices to distinguish 𝛽-TT from IDA.Methods: A total of 225 patients diagnosed with mild microcytic hypochromic anemia on complete blood count and peripheral blood film were included in the study. HB, RBC count, MCV, MCH and RDW obtained from the electronic cell counter were used to calculate 12 discrimination indices by various mathematical formulae. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value(PPV), negative predictive value(NPV) and Youden’s index(YI) were calculated.Result: The Shine & Lal and Ricerca et al indices exhibited the highest sensitivity of 100% each while the England & Fraser index demonstrated the lowest sensitivity of 61.1%. The England & Fraser and Mentzer indices demonstrated the highest specificities of 90.2% and 86.9% respectively. The highest and the lowest PPV were found for Mentzer index (77.3%) and MCHD (32.71%) respectively. The Ricerca et al. and Shine & Lal indices demonstrated the highest NPV of 100% each and the lowest NPV was exhibited by MCHD (69.8%). The highest and the lowest values for Youden’s index were shown by Mentzer index (81.3%) and MCHD (2.36%) respectively.Conclusion: Though HBA2 estimation is the gold standard for diagnosing 𝛽-TT, in developing countries, Mentzer index followed by Ehsani et al. index can be used to screen mild microcytic hypochromic anemia cases to eliminate as many false positive cases as possible to reduce the financial cost.

Author Biography

Sanjay Piplani, Associate Professor Department of Pathology Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar, Punjab
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Pathology


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