Study on Mean Platelet Volume And Platelet Count In Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

  • Umarani M K Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,Karnataka,India
  • Nikita James Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,Karnataka,India
  • Bharathi Muniyappa Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,Karnataka,India
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Fasting blood sugar, Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet count


Background:  Most  Diabetes  Mellitus  related  deaths  are  due  to  increased  risk  of  micro-  and  macrovascular  complications  of  the  disease.  Larger  platelets  with  higher  mean  platelet  volume  increase  the  propensity  to  thrombosis.  Therefore,  increased  MPV  is  emerging  as  a  risk  factor  for  vascular  complications.Methods:  This  prospective  study  was  conducted  on  100  subjects  with  type  II  DM  and  50  non-diabetic  controls  over  a  period  of  3  months. To  determine  mean  platelet  volume  (MPV)  and  platelet  count  (PC)  in  diabetics  (type2)  and  non-diabetics  and  to  determine  correlation  of  MPV  and  platelet  count  with  fasting  blood  sugar.Results:  Significant  increase  in  value  of  MPV  was  seen  in  diabetics.Conclusion:  MPV  being  a  simple,  economical  test,  can  serve  as  an  effective  tool  in  monitoring  the  patients  for  thrombogenicity  especially  in  patients  with  altered  blood  glucose  metabolism.  DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1381 

Author Biographies

Umarani M K, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,Karnataka,India
Associate Professor,Department of Pathology
Nikita James, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,Karnataka,India
Post Graduate,Department of Pathology,
Bharathi Muniyappa, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,Karnataka,India
Professor and Head,Department of Pathology,


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